User invitation system finally released

March 1, 2008

One of the biggest usability issues with DevjaVu has been inviting new users to your project. Luckily, most of you were smart enough to figure it out and/or put up with the difficulty. The downside of that has been that I’ve been able to put it off for so long. Today we have a solution in the form of a Users section in the Admin. You can now invite users by email and they will get a link to either register if they’re new or login if they have an account.

The main caveat is that you have to invite users into a group. New projects are created with three default groups: admins, developers, and viewers. Older projects might not have groups. If you run into any problems, please let us know.

As a side note, tonight Engine Yard will be moving us to a new load balancer, so there may be some brief downtime after midnight PST. This should relieve some of the recent issues with large checkouts/exports hanging.


9 Responses to “User invitation system finally released”

  1. Hemant Says:

    I am getting lots of errors while browsing trac page of my project (backgroundrb). Can we get it fixed?

  2. Jeff Lindsay Says:

    Yes, I would love to fix it. Can you email support or submit a ticket at with more specific information? After quickly browsing the pages as an anonymous viewer it seems to be working fine, so I’m assuming you’re talking about the Admin section? Let us know.

  3. jprieur Says:


    I’m in the “older projects” case and the invitation mail doesn’t get send (I have no group displayed in the combo box).

    What’s the workaround?


  4. Jeff Lindsay Says:

    You can create a group by assigning permissions to a group name in the Permissions panel.

  5. Thanks for the great info. I hope you’ll follow this with some more great content.

  6. Nice post, you got some good points there – thank you.

  7. Pak Tam Says:

    I am looking for some idea and stumble upon your posting :) decide to wish you Thanks. Pak Tam

  8. Tiengo Says:

    hi, could anybody invite me? i wish to try the devjavu…


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